
College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Sexual Medicine

COURSE TITLE: Sexual Medicine


DEPARTMENT: Department of Family Medicine

DURATION: Semester

DIRECTOR: Dr. Coral Matus



LOCATION: Health Science Campus, Online

COORDINATOR: Jamie Daughton (jamie.daughton@utoledo.edu )

FACULTY: Guest Lecturers


This course will cover common reproductive health issues. Lectures will include topics such as taking a full sexual history, pharmacology and method of action of various contraceptives, contraceptive counseling, common causes of infertility, assisted reproductive technology procedures (IUI and IVF), first and second-trimester abortion procedures, pregnancy counseling, intimate partner violence, pregnancy loss, LGBTQ+ health, racism in gynecology, men’s sexual health concerns, pregnancy with a physical disability, and maternal mortality and equity. In addition to the required lectures and standardized patient experience, students will complete educational and reflective modules about health equity and justice. Attendance will be taken at each required session. At the end of the course, students will interact with a standardized patient to assess their competence in the course material. Students will learn primarily from the guest lecturers. Lecturers will include but are not limited to Ob/Gyn faculty, area providers, and faculty from outside institutions. Over one semester, each student must complete seven hours of in-class lecture, one hour with a standardized patient, and the health equity and justice modules. Students will also complete an evaluation of the course and instructors. These evaluations are formative and intended to provide mutually beneficial feedback.


  1. Demonstrate effective counseling techniques for various family planning-related issues. (EPOs: IPC-1)
  2. Use effective communication skills to elicit an accurate sexual history. (EPOs: PC-1)
  3. Provide supportive and non-judgmental pregnancy options counseling from a variety of perspectives. (EPOs: PB-1, SBP-2)
  4. Provide contraceptive options counseling to patients in a variety of circumstances. (EPOs: PB-3)
  5. Describe the pharmacology and method of action for various contraceptive methods. (EPOs: MK-6)
  6. Justify an appropriate form of contraception given a sexual history. (EPOs: IPC-1)
  7. Describe different termination methods/procedures. (EPOs: IPC-1)
  8. Explain assisted reproductive technology procedures such as IUI and IVF. (EPOs: IPC-1)
  9. Define gender and sexuality.
  10. Explain how cultural differences and implicit biases impact the delivery of health care (EPOs: MK-3)
  11. Discuss the impact of health care disparities in the delivery of health care (EPOs: SBP-2)

METHODS OF TEACHING: Lecture, Group Discussion, Online modules, Standardized Patient

QUALITY ASSURANCE: Students will complete an evaluation at the end of the course.

PREREQUISITES: First year medical students in good academic standing


  1. Attend a minimum of 5 lectures.
  2. Complete the online modules, titled Structures and Self: Advancing Equity and Justice, on the platform RHE by Innovating Education. Students will receive an email invitation with instructions.
  3. Attend one standardized patient session.


  1. Student must sign up for course by the registration deadline. If students choose to drop the courses, they must do so by the elective drop deadline without a penalty.
  2. Student must complete the RHE online modules by the end of the course.

ECC Approved
July 2023