
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

By-Laws of the College Committee on Academic Personnel for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Revised: February 2020

Section 1. Number of Positions and Divisions

Each Department in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will have one position on the College Committee on Academic Personnel (CCAP) to be filled by an eligible member of that Department, elected for office of ‘member of CCAP’ by the eligible voters of the Department in accordance with Departmental rules. Two additional at-large positions on CCAP are filled by eligible members of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and are elected by faculty of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics who are eligible to vote for the office of member of CCAP. Both at-large members have to hold the rank of full professor and cannot be from the same department.

Section 2. Term of Office

The term of office of members of the CCAP is two years. The terms of the individual members will be staggered such that in any year a minimum of three and a maximum of four terms expire. The term of one at-large member will expire each year. A member cannot serve two consecutive terms. The terms of expiration for the founding members of the departmental seats for 2011-2012 CCAP shall be: Mathematics (2012), Physics and Astronomy (2013), Chemistry (2012), Environmental Sciences (2013), Biological Sciences (2012). If two at-large members are elected in the same year, the term of the member who received the greater number of votes will be two years and the member who received the lesser number of votes will be one year. If both elected members received the same number of votes, the Elections Committee will randomly assign the one- and two-year terms of the two newly elected at-large members.

Section 3. Eligibility for Election to CCAP

Except as noted below, all full-time tenured members of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics who are also Members of the Bargaining Unit are eligible to serve on CCAP. Departmental chairs, faculty members whose positions are half-time or more in administrative duties, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics member of the following year's University Committee on Academic Personnel, and faculty who are superannuate or on a leave of absence are not eligible to serve on CCAP. Persons on sabbatical may serve on CCAP if they are available during the semester or semesters of their sabbatical. All members of the department to which the continuing at-large member belongs are ineligible for election to the office of at-large member of CCAP.

Section 4. Eligibility to Vote

All full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics who are Members of the Bargaining Unit shall be eligible to vote in the nomination and election balloting for the at-large members of CCAP.

Section 5. Nominations for At-Large Members of CCAP

Nomination ballots will list all faculty with a rank of full professor of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics eligible for election to CCAP. Up to five names may be selected by each eligible voter. Each year, five persons shall be nominated for election as a result of the nomination balloting. No more than two nominees can be from the same department.

Section 6. Election of At-Large Members of CCAP

Each year, one person shall be elected to serve as an at-large member of CCAP. Election ballots for the position shall list the five nominees, and each eligible voter may vote for one name. If both positions are unfilled, then two persons shall be elected subject to the limitations of Sections 2 and 3. If two at-large positions are to be filled, each eligible voter may vote for up to two names.