
Department of Psychology

Kamala London

Chair and Professor

Picture of Kamala London Newton

PhD, University of Wyoming, 2001
Postdoctoral fellowship, Johns Hopkins Medical School, 2001-2005

Personal website:

Office: UH 1880B
Phone: 419-530-2352
Fax: (419) 530-8479
Email: kamala.london@utoledo.edu

Mailing Address:
Department of Psychology
University of Toledo
2801 West Bancroft St.
Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390

Dr. London's CV
Lab webpage

Dr. London will be accepting students for the Fall of 2025.

Research Interests

  • forensic developmental psychology
  • autobiographical memory and suggestibility in children
  • disclosure of child maltreatment (including human trafficking)
  • statistics

Selected Publications

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London, K.,Bruck, M.,Miller, Q. C., & Ceci, S. J. (2020). Analyzing the scientific foundation of child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome: A reply to Lyon et al. (2020). Behavioral Sciences & the Law.

McGuire, K., &London, K.(2020). A retrospective approach to examining child abuse disclosure.Child Abuse & Neglect, 99.Ǿ.ǰ/10.1016/.󾱲.2019.104263

Capparelli, A.L., Miller, Q.C., Wright, D.B., &London, K.(2019). Canine-assisted interviewsbolster informativeness for negative autobiographical memories.Psychological Reports,123, 159-178.

Lawson, M.,Rodriguez-Steen, L. &London, K.(2018). A systematic review of the reliability ofchildren’s event reports after discussing experiences with a naïve, knowledgeable, ormisled parent.Developmental Review, 49,62-79.doi:10.1016/j.dr.2018.06

Lawson, M., & London, K. (2017). Children’s memory for conversations after a one-year delay. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

London, K., Hall, A., & Lytle, N. (2017). Does it help, hurt, or something else: The effect of an “or something else” option on children’s performance on forced-choice questions. Psychology, Public Policy, & the Law, 23, 281-289

McGuire, K. & London, K. (2017). Common beliefs about child sexual abuse and disclosure: A college sample. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26, 175-194.