
Business Career Programs

Internship Guidelines

A ¹û¶³´«Ã½ business student networking with an employer at a college Job Fair.

Benefits of Internships

Internships can provide hands-on professional experience, networking opportunities, academic credit, compensation and a competitive edge in the job market.

If you have questions, contact Business Career Programs at businesscareers@utoledo.edu.

Identifying Opportunities

  • Register with Business Career Programs Office (BCP)
  • Participate in BCP
  • Network with UT community, friends and family
  • Utilize search engines (i.e. , and )

Academic Credit Eligibility & Requirements

  • Check with your academic advisor to see how an internship will fit in with your major requirements
  • Students must declare a major and be accepted to upper division.
  • Interns must work a minimum of 170 hours
  • To receive credit, you must complete a 12-15 page paper (or a presentation for select majors) see page 2
  • Finance and Professional Sales majors must meet pre-requisites set by those departments.
    • Finance - FINA 4940 (Prerequisite: BUAD 3040)
    • Professional Sales - PSLS 4940: /business/essps/Ìý(±Ê°ù±ð°ù±ð±ç³Ü¾±²õ¾±³Ù±ð: PSLS 3440)
  • Though not pre-requisites, the following courses are helpful for students to have taken before the onset of their internship:
    • MKTG 4940 – BUAD 3010
    • OSCM 4940 – BUAD 3020
    • INFS 4940 – BUAD 2020

Academic Credit Application Review Process

  • Step 1: Make sure your Handshake account is set up. If you have any issues or questions about your access, please reach out to the Rocket Career Center.
  • Step 2: Submit Experience form through Handskake. Your submission MUST INCLUDE a detailed Job Description.
  • Step 3: BCP will confirm student meets pre-reqs, if needed and will approve/deny application.
  • Step 4: Application will be sent for faculty review; the review based on the following:
    • Classroom knowledge is applied
    • Internship responsibilities support area of major
    • Exposure to business professionals in related field of study
    • Rewarding experience that enhances future marketability
    • Compensation for time and talents
  • Step 5: Email notification of approval or denial along with steps on how to register for the course. **Registering for this Internship Course in the summer may add a balance to your bill. Please check with RSC if you have any questions regarding any fees associated with taking this course in the summer**

Academic Credit Registration

  • Upon faculty approval, further instruction will be forwarded on how to enroll in the internship course:
    • BUAD 4940
    • EFSB 4940
    • FINA 4940
    • INFS 4940
    • MGMT 4940
    • MKTG 4940
    • OSCM 4940
    • PSLS 4940
  • Enrollment in the course MUST be within the same semester or one semester after the completion of work experience unless you have filled out a CPT or OPT form. In this case, the course must be taken the same semester as the internship.
  • For more information on Curricular Practical Training (CPT), visit the ¹û¶³´«Ã½ Curricular Practical Training (CPT) website.

Academic Credit Completion Requirements  

  • The internship receives a pass (PS) or no credit (NC) grade which will be based on the following:
    • Successful completion of the internship
    • Completed and returned performance evaluations which are emailed to both the employer and the student Mid Semester through Handshake.
      1. Student Internship Evaluation completed by student
      2. Supervisor’s Evaluation of Student completed by supervisor
    • Submission of Internship Report should be sent to the Internship Faculty Advisor; except INFS 4940 and OSCM 4940 where alternatively the student will be directed to submit a presentation.
    • Report MUST be submitted the first day of finals week to the appropriate Internship Faculty Advisor, where it will be evaluated and graded (pass or no credit).
      1. Internship Faculty Advisor may consult with other faculty members whose expertise will aid in the evaluation process.
      2. Intern must contact Internship Faculty Advisor to confirm preferred method of report submission.
    • A 12-15 page report should include the following major topics:
      1. Cover page includes student name, course (Example: MGMT 4940:001), semester (Example: Fall 2024) and internship advisor’s name (Example: Dr. Larry Fink). 
      2. A description of the employer’s organization and background information
      3. A description of the major activities/projects that were part of the internship experience, with examples wherever possible
      4. An explanation of the specific skills developed during the internship
      5. A discussion of the ways in which the internship experience relates to coursework
      6. A discussion of how the internship has helped prepare the student for future employment
      7. Include letters of recommendation from employer and/or examples of accomplishments and projects as an appendix to the report
      8. ONLY PSLS 4940 students are required to submit time sheets (ex: Excel sheet, Google Sheet, Time Sheet from employer)
    • Include a cover sheet with first and last name, Rocket ID Number, email address, employer’s name, academic semester, and submission date.
  • Report format:
      1. 12-15 pages, typed double spaced on 8 ½ x 11 paper
      2. (1) Inch margins all around
      3. Numbered pages
      4. Well written and grammatically correct
      5. Utilize headings and sub-headings to break the report into logical parts

*If your internship is full-time and you are unable to take classes while receiving a university scholarship or financial aid, you must contact Dr. Terribeth Gordon-Moore at Terribeth.Gordon@utoledo.edu to have your scholarship or financial aid re-adjusted until you register for classes. 

In your E-mail, please include the following information:

  1. Your Rocket ID #
  2. Company name, City and State where your internship is located
  3. Semester and year that you will not be attending class (Ex. Spring 2024)