
Risk Management and Workers' Compensation

Concept of Risk Management

Mission Statement

The Risk Management, in conjunction with the Department of Safety andÌýHealth,Ìýpromotes protection and safety of the University's employees, students, patientsÌýand visitors. Preservation and protection of assets essential to the continued operation of the UniversityÌýisÌýaccomplished through a combination of risk control and risk financing including commercially insured and self insured programs.Ìý

University Risk Management Activities

The University's property and liability insurance programs are administered throughÌýThe University of Toledo's Office ofÌýRisk Management.

  • Protects University assets by identifying and managing exposures to loss.
  • Administers the University commercial property and casualty insurance program, including underwriting activity of the professional liability self insured insurance program for both staff, students, residentsÌýand faculty physicians.
  • Communicates with faculty and staff on various aspects of risk management as part of an ongoing loss prevention/control program.
  • Produces reports which summarize the claim history of the University.
  • Maintains the University's historical insurance data, records, and claims files.


Risk Management, an insurance and quality-control related discipline, collaborates with other University departments to minimize adverse effects of loss on the University's human, physical, and financial assets.

Goals and Objectives

The Risk Management ensures that:

  • The institution takes cost efficient steps to minimize the risk of financial impact as a result of loss to or destruction of assets.
  • Identified risks have been insured, self insured, assumed under a non-insurance procedure, abated as much as possible, or eliminated.
  • Claims have been adjusted in accordance with contractual agreements in a timely fashion.
  • A standard method for setting real and personal property values has been established and implemented.


Risk Management will:

  • Conduct surveys of facilities to assess exposures, advise management on potential sources of loss, and recommend corrective action to minimize loss potential.
  • Reduce loss to University assets through investigation and evaluation of reported incidents and claims, including investigation of a serious incident within 48 hours of notification.
  • Review contract proposals with respect to issues involving risk management and insurance and develop cost effective methods to control exposures and loss.
  • Implement healthcare risk control measures to improve patient safety.
