
University Libraries

Thomas A. Atwood, B.A., MLIS

Associate Dean, University Libraries


  • Bachelor of Arts in English (minor in Philosophy & Religious Studies), Youngstown State University, December 2002
  • Master of Library and Information Science, Kent State University, June 2004


Thomas started at Carlson in 2004 as one of two Visiting Professors of Information Literacy and currently is the Coordinator of Information Literacy & Library Instruction. He is primarily responsible for supporting the program’s initiatives by assisting in the design and delivery of instructional materials and outcome assessments, as well as encouraging library instruction among the university’s core curriculum classes. In addition, Thomas also serves as the liaison to the departments of Music and Philosophy.

Publications & Presentations


  • Crosetto, A., & Atwood, T. (2018). "It Takes An Act of Congress or Does It? Naming Practices of VA Facilities." Names: A Journal of Onomastics, 66 (1), 36-46. 
  • Atwood, Thomas, et al. (2016). "On the Front Lines: Serving Ohio's Best." The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42 (2), 172-180.
  • Crosetto, A. & Atwood, T. (2012). "Naming Academic Libraries: Is Institutional Identity Obscuring the Generous Benefactors and Illustrious Educators of Old?" Names: A Journal of Onomastics, 60 (2), 90-104.
  • Phillips, J. C. and Atwood, T. A. (2010) “Transferring Skills, Transferring Students: A Call To Academic Libraries.” College & Undergraduate Libraries,” 17: 4, 331–348.
  • Atwood, T. A. and Crosetto, A. (2009) 'How to Address “I've Already Written My Paper, Now I Just Need to Find Some Sources”: Teaching Personal Voice through Library Instruction', College & Undergraduate Libraries, 16: 4, 322-328.
  • Atwood, T. A. & Crosetto, A. (2008). Religious Studies Collections and Information Literacy: A Snapshot of a University Library. Journal of Religious & Theological Information, 7 (3&4), 133-147.
  • Crosetto, A., Atwood, T. A., & Feinberg, D. (2009) Does Out-of-Print Mean That It’s Out-of-Play. Against the Grain, 21(5), 28-30.
  • Hickam, B., & Atwood, T. (2009). "Archiving the History of a Loud Leisure Activity," Leisure Studies Association Newsletter, 82, 32-34.
  • Atwood, T., & Lee, W. (2007). The Price of Deviance: Schoolhouse Gothic in Prep School Literature. Children’s Literature, 35, 102-126.


  • "Words Matter: Documents of the Departed," Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy: Vol. 1, Article 6.
  • “Filling the Void: The Heavy Metal Archiving Project,” with Brian Hickam at the Inter-Disciplinary.Net 1st Global Conference, Heavy Fundametalisms: Music, Metal & Politics, Salzburg Austria, November 4, 2008.
  • “How to Prevent ‘I’ve already written my paper, now I just need to find some sources’: Teaching Personal Voice through Library Instruction,” at the 49th Annual Midwest Modern Language Association, "Teaching Writing in College: Debating the Power of the Personal Voice." Cleveland Ohio, November 10, 2007.
  • “The Prep School Paradox: Schoolhouse Gothic and the Price of Individuality,”with Wade M. Lee at the International Gothic Association, Montreal Canada, August 14, 2005.


  • “Naming Academic Libraries: Is Institutional Identity Obscuring the Generous Benefactors and Illustrious Educators of Old?” with Alice Crosetto at the American Name Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 6, 2011.
  • “Going Virtual: Academic Libraries Enhancing the Learning Environment.” with Alice Crosetto and Laura Kinner at the Michigan Academic Libraries 2010: Explore, Discover, Connect, Novi Michigan May 6, 2010.
  • “Forming Trust to Facilitate Professional Relationships: Unwritten and Untaught Library Etiquette.” with Daniel E. Feinberg at the Michigan Academic Libraries 2010: Explore, Discover, Connect, Novi Michigan May 6, 2010.
  • “The Virtual Library: Enriching or Diminishing the Learning Environment.” with Alice Crosetto and Laura Kinner.   115th Annual Meeting of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Conference on Quality in Higher Education, Chicago April 11, 2010.
  • “Breaking into the Pack: Librarians as Educators.” with Daniel Feinberg at the 118th Michigan Library Association Annual Conference, Lansing, Michigan November 4, 2009.
  • “Pole Position or Pit Stop? The Library’s Place in New Faculty Orientation.” with Alice Crosetto and Laura Kinner at the 118th  Michigan Library Association Annual Conference, Lansing Michigan November 4, 2009.
  • “Rising Force: The Current State of Heavy Metal Scholarship,” Rock ‘n’ Roll History: Current Scholarship and Research.” withBrian Hickam, Laura Wiebe Taylor, and Jeremy Wallach, at the Midwest Popular Culture Association & Midwest American Culture Association Annual Conference, Detroit Michigan November 1, 2009.
  • “UT’s Athletic LC: Strategies for Campaigning for and Creating an Athletics Learning Community.” with Brain Hickam, Laura S. Johnson, and Mike Meade, at the 12th Annual National Learning Communities Conference "Students at the Center."Indianapolis Indiana, November 8, 2007.
  • “Let the Experts Lead the Way: Building Collaborative, Career-Based Research that Works.” with Amy O’Donnell at the Midwest Cooperative Education and Internship Association, Schaumburg Illinois, November 6, 2006.
  • “Avoiding a "Hard Day's Night": A Collaborative Approach to Teaching Transferable Career/Job Seeking and Research Skills.” with Amy O’Donnell at the Midwest Association of Colleges and Employers, Cleveland Ohio, 2006.
  • “Preventing and Confronting Student Plagiarism.” with Carol Nelson-Burns at the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Toledo, Toledo Ohio 2005.

Grants & Awards

  • $800 University of Toledo, Center for Teaching and Learning, 2007

University/Professional Service

  • OhioLINK NAXOS Music Project Volunteer 2009
  • Library Signage Committee 2008
  • Continuing Education Committee, Secretary 2008-2009
  • Faculty Senate Committee on Constitution and Rules 2008-2009
  • Faculty Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2007-2009
  • University Libraries Signage Committee 2008-2009
  • Lecturer, Information Literacy Librarian Search Committee, Chair, 2008
  • Visiting Professor, Information Literacy Librarian Search Committee, Chair, 2007
  • OhioLINK Vision Task Force, Central Catalog Changes, 2007
  • University Library Faculty Affairs Committee, Secretary, 2006-2008
  • Systems Librarian Search Committee, 2006
  • Visiting Professor, Information Literacy Librarian Search Committee, 2005
  • Ad Hoc Committee of Shared Ownership NWORBD, 2005
  • Information Literacy Committee, University of Toledo, 2004-2008
  • Library Assessment Committee, University of Toledo,2004-2006
  • University Authors Exhibit Committee, 2004-2008
  • Latino Youth Summit 2005-2009