
Neurosciences and Psychiatry

Arun Anantharam

Arun Anatharam

Associate Professor
Office: 120D Block Health Science Building
Tel: 419-383-4117
Lab: 419-383-4376
Email: arun.anantharam@utoledo.edu


1998: B.A., Columbia University, NY; Neurosciences and English Literature (double major)
2007: Ph.D., Cornell University, NY; Neurosciences
2011: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan; Biophysics

Research Interests:

My laboratory uses high resolution imaging (TIRF, confocal, and multiphoton microscopy) and electrophysiological methods to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying vesicle trafficking, membrane fusion, and synaptic transmission. Our studies are rooted in important physiological contexts relevant to the sympathetic stress response and whole-body energy metabolism.

For more information, please see the laboratory website ()