
Neurosciences and Psychiatry

Hong Xie, M.D., Ph.D.


Assistant Professor
Office: 135 Block Health Science Building
Tel: 419-383-6106
Email: Hong.Xie@utoledo.edu

1992: M.D., Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China
2000: M.A, Anesthesiology, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China
2003: Ph.D., Integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine (Basic Neuroscience), Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Research Interest:
My research uses structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study human brain plasticity under normal and disease conditions. I am interested in the dynamics of structural and functional changes in brain circuits that result from normal living and from stress and trauma to the body and brain.  Ongoing projects involve early brain changes that underlie development of maladaptive post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) versus adaptive recovery following trauma due to motor vehicle collision, brain changes that are associated with loss of a limb, and longitudinal fluctuation in maintenance of an individual person’s brain structure during normal living. The goal of my research is to use MRI to identify dynamics of human brain plasticity and to develop effective interventions to prevent maladaptive brain changes after trauma, and to maximize adaptive brain changes associated with healthy lifestyles.

Xie H, Ma F, Zhang Q, Gao X and Wu GC.  Expression of 5-HT2A receptor mRNA in some nuclei of brain stem enhanced in monoarthritic rats.  Brain Research. 954: 94-99, 2002.

Xie H
, Ma F, Gao X and Wu GC.  Analgesic Effect of Acupuncture Enhanced by Tramadol in Arthritic Rats.  Acupuncture Research. 28: 38-41, 2003.

Xie H, Wang X, Liu G and Wang GL. Analgesic effects and pharmacokinetics of a low dose of ketamine preoperatively administered epidurally or intravenously. Clinical Journal of Pain. 19: 317-322, 2003.

Xie H, Woods JH, Traynor JR, and Ko MC. Spinal antinociceptive effects of endomorphins in rats: behavioral and G protein functional studies. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 106: 1873-1881, 2008.

Xie H, Dong ZQ, Ma F, Bauer WR, Wang X and Wu GC. Serotonin 2A receptors involved in the antinociceptive effect of acute and chronic tramadol treatment in mono-arthritic rats. Brain Research. 1219: 76-83, 2008.

Wang X, Garfinkel SN, King AP, Angstadt M, Dennis MJ, Xie H, Welsh RC,  Tamburrino MB, Liberzon I. A multiple-plane approach to measure the structural properties of functionally active regions in the human cortex. Neuroimage. 49(4):3075-85, 2010.

Wang X, Gerken M, Dennis M, Mooney R, Kane J, Khuder S, Xie H, Bauer WR, Apkarian AV, Wall JT. Profiles of precentral and postcentral cortical mean thicknesses in individual subjects over acute and subacute time-scales. Cerebral Cortex. 20(7):1513-22; 2010.

Xie H, Kane J, Dennis MJ, Mooney R, Bauer WR, Wang X, Wall JT. Case series evidence for changed interhemispheric relationships in cortical structure in some amputees. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 20(4):523-6; 2013.

Lubomirsky B, Wang X, Xie H, Smirnoff JB. , Biehn TL, Contractor AA, Elhai JD, Sutu C, Brickman KR, Liberzon I, McLean SA, Tamburrino MB. Preliminary study on the relationship between visitation in the emergency department and post-traumatic mental health. Social Work in Mental Health. 12(1): 69-80; 2014.

Brickman KR, Blair AB, Tamburrino MB, Dzurik AD, Xie H, Smirnoff JB, Wang X. Quantitative Minor Injury Scale: pilot study of a scale to measure level of minor injury after motor vehicle collisions. Translation. University of Toledo Journal of Medical School 1: 13–16; 2014.

Wang X , Xie H, Cotton AS, Tamburrino MB, Brickman KR, Lewis TL,  McLean SA, Liberzon I. Early cortical thickness changes after mild traumatic brain injury following motor vehicle collision. Journal of Neurotrauma. 32(7):455-63; 2015