
Department of World Languages and Cultures

Friederike Emonds

Friederike Emonds Picture

Friederike Emonds, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of German
Office: Field House 2400E (MS 127)
Phone: 419-530-7903
E-mail: friederike.emonds@utoledo.edu


Friederike Emonds is Associate Professor of German in the Department of World Languages & Cultures where she teaches advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses of German literature, film, and cultural studies. Her research focuses on memory studies, war literature, historiography, Holocaust studies, film, and gender studies. Recently, she published on women and war, wartime theater and Holocaust films in journals and anthologies in English and German and presented her work at international and national conferences in the US and in Europe. Currently, she is working on constructions of cultural memories of World War I in German literature in the late 1920s. She has been awarded the prestigious Student Impact Award as well as The University of Toledo’s Shining Star Award.

Dr. Emonds is currently serving on the University of Toledo Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and on the College of Arts & Letters Council.

Research interests:

20th- and 21st Century German Literature and Film, Memories Studies, Holocaust Studies, War and Peace Studies, Historiography, Cultural Studies, Women- and Gender studies

Teaching interests:

German 18th-21st Century German Literature, Film and Film Theory, Contemporary German Culture (food, soccer, identity politics, social changes, migration, environment, urbanity), Migrant Literature, Stylistics.

Selected Publications:

Friederike B. Emonds, “Inszenierung weiblicher Erinnerung im Weimarer Nachkriegsdiskurs: Ilse Langners Theaterstück Frau Emma kämpft im Hinterland.” Der Erste Weltkrieg in der Dramatik—deutsche und australische Perspektiven. Forthcoming. Stuttgart: Metzler 2018.

Friederike B. Emonds, „)” in Colloquia Germanica 2013.

Friederike B. Emonds, “Blick auf Benno Ohnesorg: Uwe Timms Der Freund und der Fremde (2005)” in Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik, Peter-Lang-Verlag 2011.

Friederike B. Emonds, “.” Elsa Porges-Bernstein alias Ernst Rosmer : Woman, Writer, Holocaust Survivor: a Critical Anthology. Eds. Helga W. Kraft, Dagmar C.G. Lorenz. New York: P. Lang, January 2007.

Selected Scholarly Papers & Presentations:

“The Politics of Memory: Representations of World War I in Gina Kaus’ Novel Die Front des Lebens (1928)” to be presented at the annual international conference of the Austrian Studies Association, Bowling Green, April 11-14, 2019.

“Gendered Memories: Literary Representations of WWI by German Women Writers” presented at The University of Toledo symposium Memories of World War I, Toledo, Ohio, November 9, 2018.

“Inszenierung weiblicher Erinnerung im Weimarer Nachkriegsdiskurs: Ilse Langners Theaterstück Frau Emma kämpft im Hinterland” presented at the international symposium “Der Erste Weltkrieg in der Dramatik – deutsche und australische Perspektiven” in Wuppertal, Germany, November 30th to December 2nd, 2017.

“Contaminated Gravespace, Haunting Memories: Berlin’s Invalidenfriedhof Revisited” presented at the German Studies Association’s 41st Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, October 5th-8th, 2017.


Grants and Awards:
  • Kohler International Travel Award, The University of Toledo
  • Office of Research, Small Research Grant, The University of Toledo
  • Humanities Institute Faculty Fellow 2016-2017, The University of Toledo
  • LLSS College Award, The University of Toledo
  • Shining Star Award, The University of Toledo
  • Student Impact Award, The University of Toledo