Juan Martin
Juan Martín, PhD
Educational Background:
1995: Ph.D., University of Southern California, area of specialization: Spanish Linguistics.
Title of Ph.D. Dissertation: On the syntactic structure of Spanish Noun Phrases.
Chair of Ph.D. Dissertation Committee: Prof. Mario Saltarelli.
1989: Master of Arts (Spanish Linguistics), University of Southern California.
1986: Teaching License, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
1984: Bachelor of Arts, area of specialization: Hispanic Philology (Hispanic Literature),
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Edited book:
•, ed. by J. Franco, A. Landa, and J. Martín. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1999.
“”. Hispania 98.4 (2015): 701-713 (Written in collaboration with my students Kristi Rohrer and Eric Garn.) (Refereed)
“.('On the similarities and differences between the Present, the Imperfect, and the Progressive Tenses, and the Syntax of the Aspectual Phrase'). (Refereed)
“ edited by Pascual José Masullo, Erin O'Rourke and Chia-Hui Huang. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2009. (Refereed)
", edited by Joseph Collentine, Maryellen García, Barbara Lafford, and Francisco Marcos Marín, 231-241. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla. 2009 (Refereed)
“Hacia una explicación unificada de la sintaxis del complemento directo preposicional”, Actas del VI Congreso de Lingüística General, 1721-1732. 2007. Madrid: Arco
, in the Actas del XXXV Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, 1196-1212, edited by Milka Villayandre Llamazares, León, Universidad de León, Dpto. de Filología Hispánica y Clásica, 2006. ISBN: 84-690-3383-2. Electronic publication in:http://www3.unileon.es/dp/dfh/SEL/actas.htm
“ Selected Proceedings of the Seventeenth Symposium on Romance Linguistics, ed. by Haike Jacobs & Twan Geerts. John Benjamins. 2005 (refereed)
“Against a uniform wh-landing site in Spanish”. In Theory, practice and acquisition in Hispanic Linguistics: Selected proceedings of the 6th Hispanic Linguistic Symposium edited by Paula M. Kempchinsky and Carlos-Eduardo Piñeros, 156-174. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 2003. (Refereed)
“Spanish weak determiners and Theta-Binding”. In Hispanic Linguistics at the Turn of the Millenium: Papers from the 3rd Hispanic Linguistics Symposium edited by Héctor Campos, Elena Herburger, Alfonso Morales-Front, and Thomas J. Walsh, 222-244. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 2000. (Refereed)
“Theta Binding and the semantics of NPs in Romance: The Affectedness Condition Revisited”. In Grammatical Analyses of Basque and Romance Linguistics, edited by J. Franco, A. Landa, and J. Martín, 131-149. John Benjamins. 1999. (Invited)
“The syntax and semantics of Spanish accusative a”. In Advances in Spanish Linguistics: Papers from the 2nd Hispanic Linguistics Symposium edited by Javier Gutierrez-Rexach and Fernando Martínez-Gil, 469-485. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 1999. (Invited)
“The lexical-syntactic interface: psych verbs and psych nouns”. Hispania 81:392-404, 1998. (Refereed)
“q-theory and the interpretation of Noun Phrases in Romance”. Escol'96 Proceedings, ed. By Virginia Motapanyane and Antony Dubach Green, 215-224. CornellUniversity Publications, 1996.
“Wh-movement in Spanish: structural analysis and theoretical implications”, International Journal of Basque Linguistics and Philology, 27: 777-784, 1993. (Refereed)
“On extraction from NPs in Spanish”. Linguistic Perspectives on the Romance Languages: Selected papers from the XXI Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, ed. by W. J. Ashby, M. Mithun, G. Perissinotto, and E. Raposo, 303-313. Amsterdam: John Benjamin's Publishing Company. 1993. (Refereed)
“La relación entre la estructura semántica y la sintáctica: algunos casos planteados en la adquisición del español de Los Angeles”. Bilingüismo y adquisición del español: estudios en España y en Estados Unidos, ed. by H. Urrutia and C. Silva-Corvalán, 363-379. Bilbao: Instituto Horizonte. 1992. (Invited)
“Bound pronouns, subject anaphors, and the Binding Theory”. Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics, Wecol 91, ed. by Katharine Hunt, Thomas A. Perry, & Vida Samiian 227-238. Department of Linguistics, CaliforniaStateUniversity, Fresno. 1991.
Work distributed
•On the syntactic Structure of Spanish Noun Phrases, GSIL Publications, Linguistics Department, USC (399 pps.), 1995.
•Calvo Pérez, Julio. La Fundación de la Semántica: Los Espines Léxicos como un Universal del Lenguaje. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2011. Pp. 266. ISBN 978-84-8489-582-4. Hispania 96.1:186-189. 2013. (Refereed)
• Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Pp. 875. ISBN978-1-4051-9882-0. Hispania. 97.4:707-708. 2014. (Refereed)
“A constructionist approach to adjectival interpretative properties” presented at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2007 to be held at the University of Texas at San Antonio, November 1- 4 (International) (Competitively selected)
“Antisymmetry and the typology of relative clauses: morphological evidence from Spanish” presented at the XXXVII Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages held at the University of Pittsburgh, March 15-18, 2007. (International) (Competitively selected)
“Las Construcciones de Participio Absoluto y su relevancia para la Teoría del Caso”, XXXV Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, held at the University of León (Spain), December 12-15, 2005. (International) (Competitively selected)
“Hacia una explicación unificada de la sintaxis del complemento directo preposicional”, VICongreso de Lingüística General, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 3-7, 2004. (International) (Competitively selected)
“Aspectual quantization and [±] accusative case checking in Romance”, Seventeenth Symposium on Romance Linguistics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands (November 20-22, 2003). (International) (Competitively selected)
“D-linking in another neighborhood: phasal licensing conditions and island effects”, North America Syntax Conference 2003, Concordia University, May 1-4 (poster session) (International) (Competitively selected)
“An argument against a single wh-landing site for arguments and adjuncts” 6th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, University of Iowa, October 18-20, 2002 (International) (Competitively selected)
“On the Spanish adjectival article”, Michigan Linguistics Society, EasternMichiganUniversity, 10-27-2001. (Competitively Selected)
“(In)direct Modification and the External DP-Hypothesis”, Fourth Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Indiana University, Bloomington, November 17-19, 2000. (Competitively selected)
“Theta-binding, coordination, and nominal structure”, Congreso “Determinación y Formalización: La cuestión de los determinantes con vistas al procesamiento automático del lenguaje natural”, Universidad Aut\noma de Barcelona, February 25-26, 2000 (Competitively selected)
“Spanish weak determiners and theta binding”, Third Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Georgetown University, October 8-10, 1999. (Competitively selected)
“The syntax and semantics of Spanish accusative a” II Symposium of Spanish Linguistics, Ohio State University, Columbus (October 9-11, 1998) (Invited)
“A microparameter: the case of Iberian Romance Clitics and the EPP” American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Meeting (Madrid, August 1-4, 1998) (Competitively selected)
“The lexical-syntactic interface: psych verbs and psych nouns”, 7th Biennial Northeast Regional Meeting of the AATSP, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, September 96. (Competitively selected)
“q-theory and the interpretation of noun phrases”, Eastern States Conference on Linguistics 96. University of New Brunswick, Saint John. August-September 96. (Competitively selected)
“La sintaxis de los adjetivos romances: Concordancia y orden de las palabras”, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Orlando (Florida), August 96. (Competitively selected)
“The extended DP-Hypothesis in Romance: agreement and word order”, VII Annual Meeting of the Formal Linguistics Society of Mid-America, The Ohio State University at Columbus, May 96. (Competitively selected)
“The AdjP-Hypothesis: the 'mise en abyme' structures”, Sixth Colloquium on Generative Grammar, University of Valencia (Spain), March 96. (Competitively selected)
“Semantic Constraints on Genitive Case Assignment in Spanish”, 45th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, Radford University, October 95. (Competitively selected)
“Wh-agreement in Spanish”, 22nd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, University of Texas, El Paso, February 92. (Competitively selected)
“On extraction from NPs in Spanish”, 21st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, University of California, Santa Barbara, February 91. (Competitively selected)
Other presentations
"La Cabina o el horror del absurdo" at the Departmental Colloquium, Spring 2013.
“(In)direct modification and the External DP-Hypothesis” at the Humanities Institute Seminar, University of Toledo, February 9, 2007
Research Grants and Awards
- Faculty International Development Award to participate in the July session (2004) of the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) in Turin (Italy)
- Kohler Grant: $500. To travel to Nijmegen (The Netherlands) to present the paper: “Aspectual quantization and [±] accusative case checking in Romance”, Seventeenth Symposium on Romance Linguistics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands (November 20-22, 2003)
- Summer Research Fellowship (The University of Toledo Research Council): “The lexical-syntactic interface: a study of psychological predicates” $6,912, June-December, 1996.
- Research Grants Program (The University of Toledo Research Council): $1,900, granted for travel and Student Assistantship for the above project.
- Small Grant for Faculty Research: $400, granted for equipment for the above project.
- Assistant to the Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese in the Research about the bilingualism in Los Angeles, Catalonia and the Basque Country, granted by the Cultural Agreement between Spain and the U.S.A., 1988-89.
Participation in Organizing or Running Professional Meetings
Chair of the session on Ibero Romance Languages and Linguistics, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Meeting (Madrid, August 1-4, 1998)
Work as reviewer
- Referee for the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2007 Proceedings
- Reviewer for Cambridge University Press
- Reviewer for Heinle
- Reviewer of abstracts for the West Conference on Linguistics 2008, held at the University of California at Davis. (WECOL 2008)
- Reviewer of a paper for The Linguistic Review
- Reviewer of articles for Hispania
Teaching Experience
Associate Professor, Department of World Languages and Cultures, University of Toledo, Ohio (2000-present):
Spanish program:
- SPAN 4110/5110: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics.
- SPAN 4010/5010: Spanish Syntax and Stylistics.
- SPAN 4000/5000: Advanced Spanish Grammar.
- SPAN 4010/5010: Spanish Syntax and Stylistics.
- SPAN 4070/5070: History of the Spanish Language.
- SPAN 4060/5060: Translation and Interpretation.
- SPAN 4980/5980: Advanced Spanish Conversation.
- SPAN 3020: Conversation and Composition II.
- SPAN3000: Spanish Grammar.
- SPAN 4980: Independent Study on Translation.
- SPAN 5980: Independent Study on Spanish Semantics.
- SPAN 4980: Independent Study on the Spanish Subjunctive.
- SPAN 5060: Translation & Interpretation in Spanish (Independent Study).
- SPAN 6900: Readings on Hispanic Sociolinguistics (Independent Study).
- SPAN 6930: Seminar: Syntactic Theory and the Structure of Spanish (IS).
- SPAN 5980/6900: "La Cabina" and the Theatre of the Absurd (Independent Study).
Linguistics Program:
- LING 3150: Linguistic Principles.
- LING 3170/5170/7170: Syntax.
- LING 4990-083: Direction of independent studies on "Syntactic Theory."
- LING 4990-001: Honors Research in Linguistics (Direction of Honors Thesis).
- LING 5170: Independent Study "Syntax."
USAC Visiting Professor, University of Alicante (Fall 2013):
- Phonetics and Phonology.
- Syntax and Stylistics.
Assistant Professor, Department of World Languages and Cultures, University of Toledo, Ohio (1994-2000):
- SPAN 671: Seminar on Spanish Generative Grammar.
- SPAN 5980 Direction of Independent readings on Spanish Syntax.
- SPAN-4910 Honors Research in Spanish (Direction of Honors Thesis).
- SPAN 491/591: Aspects of Spanish Semantics.
- SPAN 411/511 & 412/512: Structure of Modern Spanish I & II.
- SPAN 4110/5110: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics.
- SPAN 407/507: History of the Spanish Language.
- SPAN 401/501 & 402/502: Spanish Syntax and Stylistics I & II.
- SPAN 4000: Advanced Spanish Grammar.
- SPAN 315: Business Spanish.
- SPAN 3010/3020: Conversation and Composition I & II.
- SPAN 3000: Spanish Grammar.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Southern California,
1987-1992, 1993-1994
Spanish Lecturer, University of Guangzhou, China, February-July 93
Bilingual Teacher at LomaVistaElementary School, Los Angeles Unified District, 1986‑87
- Undergraduate Advisor.
- Spanish Assessment Committee.
- Library Representative.
- Interim Coordinator of the Basic Spanish Program, Winter-95 & Spring-95.
- Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Chair).
- Spanish Search Committee for a new faculty member (1994-1995/1998-1999).
- Spanish Search Committee for a new lecturer (2005/2007).
- Hispanic Advisory Committee.
- Placement Test Committee (Author of the "Report on online placement tests").
- Committee for the Recruitment of graduate students.
- International Student Academic Review Committee.
- Toledo, Spain Review Committee.
- Departmental Personnel Committee (2000-2016, except 2004, 2006, 20008, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2015) (Co-chair 2001-02, Chair 2008, co-chair 2010).
- McClelland Scholarship Committee.
- CISP Travel Grant Committee.
- Arts & Letters Council member (2016).
Awards and Distinctions
- Research Fellow of the Humanities Institute, University of Toledo, 2006.
- Nominated for the Outstanding Teacher Award, 2005.
- Member of the Spanish Honorary Society Sigma Delta Pi, 1995.
- Lecturer grant, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, February-July-93.
- Award for outstanding Departmental Teaching Assistant from the Center for Excellence in Teaching at USC, 1990-91.
- Recipient of a Del Amo Graduate Teaching Fellowship, 1989‑90.
- Diploma for Outstanding Academic Achievement from the Office for International Students and Scholars, USC, 1989.
Professional Memberships
- Member of the Linguistic Society of America.
- Member of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese.
- Member of the Linguistic Society of Spain.