Andari Lab Publications
Research Articles
- AԻ岹,ٳܳ,ܲ,,Dz,.Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesU S A.2010 Mar 2;107(9):4389-94.
- AndariE,SchneiderF,Vindras P,Mottolese R,Sirigu A.Oxytocin's fingerprint in personality traits and regional brain volume.Cerebral Cortex.2014 Feb;24(2):479-86.
- Andari E, Richard N, Leboyer M, Sirigu A.Adaptivecoding of thevalue ofsocialcueswith Oxytocin,anfMRIstudyinautismspectrum disorder.Cortex.2016 Jan 19; 76:79-88.
- BurkettJP,AԻ岹,JohnsonZV,CurryDW,de WaalFB,YoungLJ.Oxytocin-dependentconsolation in rodents.Science.2016 Jan 22;351(6271):375-8.
- Morrier M, Ousley OY, Caceres-Gamundi GA, Segall MJ., Cubells J., Young L, andAndari E.Brief Report: Relationship between Severity Scores of ADOS-2, Module 4 and Social and Non-Social Standardized Assessment Measures in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 2017, J. Autism Dev Disorder. 2017 Dec;47(12):4018-4024.
- Li G, Liu P,Andari E, Zhang A, Zhang K. The role of amygdala in patients with Euthymic Bipolar Disorder during resting state’.Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2018 Sep 19; 9:445.
- Andari E, Nishitani S, ,,,,,,. Epigenetic modification of the oxytocin receptor gene: implications for autism symptom severity and brain functional connectivity.Neuropsychopharmacology. 2020 Jan 13.
- Imami A., O'Donovan S, Creeden J, Wu X, Eby H, McCullumsmith CB, Uvnäs-Moberg K, McCullumsmith RE, andAndari E.Oxytocin’s Anti-inflammatory and Pro-immune functions in COVID-19: A Transcriptomic Signature Based Approach.Physiological Genomics. August 2020.
- Andari E, Massa NM, Fargotstein MD, Taylor NB, Halverson DM, Owens AV, Currin DL, Bhattacharya A, Gitman D, Cuthbert BC, Young LJ, Duncan EJ. Effects of oxytocin on emotion recognition in schizophrenia, a randomized double-blind pilot study.Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology.Accepted. 2021.
- Rilling JK, Richey L,Andari E, Hamman S. The neural correlates of paternal consoling behavior and frustration in response to infant crying.Developmental Psychobiology. Accepted. 2021.
- Creeden JF, Imami AS, Eby HM, Gillman C, Becker KN, Reigle J,Andari E, Pan ZK, O’Donovan SM, McCullumsmith RE, McCullumsmith CB. Fluoxetine as an Anti-Inflammatory Therapy in SARS-CoV-2 Infection.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. Accepted. 2021
- Andari E, Schneider F, Vindras P, Mottolese R, Leboyer M, Sirigu A.Le rôle de l’ocytocine dans l’autisme.'Գé2012; 38 (4), S18.
- Hennessey T,Andari E, Rainnie DJ. RDoC-based categorization of amygdala functions and its implications in autism.Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2018 Jul; 90:115-129.
- Andari E, Sirigu A.Autism and oxytocin. In: McGraw-Hill YearbookofScience andTechnology 2012.McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
- MerhoumN, MengarelliF, MottoleseR,Andari E, SiriguA.SocialFunctioninginAutism.In: Leboyer M, Chaste P (Eds.),AutismSpectrumDisorders: Phenotypes, Mechanisms and Treatments. S. Karger, Basel, Switzerland.
- Andari E, Hurlemann R and Young LJ. A precision Medicine Approach to Oxytocin Trials.Curr Top Behav Neurosci.2018; 35: 559-590.
- Borie A.M., Theofanopoulou C, andAndari E. The promiscuity of the oxytocin-vasopressin systems and their involvement in autism spectrum disorder. The Human Hypothalamus: Hypothalamus and Neuropsychiatric Disorders.Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2021.
- Andari,E.Theneedforatheoreticalframeworkofsocialfunctioningtooptimizetargeted therapies in psychiatricdisorders.Biological Psychiatry.2016 Feb 1;79(3) : e5-7.
- Andari E. Editorial:Oxytocin's routes in social behavior: into the 21st century.Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.2015 Aug 25; 9: 224.
Online Articles
- Andari E. Implicationdel’ocytocine,hormone del’attachement,dansl’autisme.LaLettredes Neurosciences,January2012.
Hot topics
Andari E.and Rilling J.Genetic and epigenetic modulation of the oxytocin receptor and implications for autism.Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews, Hot topics. Psychiatry meets big data. September 2020.
Creeden J., et al., Andari E, et al. Fluoxetine as an Anti-inflammatory therapy in SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Paper under revision
- Li et al., Low-frequency fluctuations in the anterior cingulate cortex and insula differentiate major depression disorder patients with and without anxiety. Under review.
- Todorovic K., O’Leary B, Ward KP, Devarasetty PP, Lee SJ, Knox M,Andari E. Prevalence, increase and predictors of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence during COVID-19 pandemic.
Papers under preparation, to be submitted
- Andari E,Burkett JP, Pearcy R, Inoue K, Ressler K, Dias B and Young LJ. The role of insula and oxytocin in social transmission of fear in mice. In preparation.
- Andari E,Kaundinya G, Caceres G, Ousley O, Morrier M, Rilling J, Cubells JF, Young LJ.Target Engagement for Intranasal Oxytocin on brain function in Autism Spectrum Disorder.In preparation.
- Andari E,et al.Socio-emotional deficits in high-functioning autism.Poster presentation.EPFL-LATSIS Symposium “UnderstandingVIOLENCE:Recentadvancesonbiology,sociology, andmodeling.” Lausanne, Switzerland. Feb 2009.
- Andari E.Promoting Social Behavior with Oxytocin in High Functioning Autism.Poster presentation. Frontiers in Neuroscience Conference Abstract. 3rd Mediterranean Conference of Neuroscience, Alexandria, Egypt. Dec 2009.
- Andari E,et al.Oxytocin’s fingerprints in brain volume.Poster presentation. Society for Social Neuroscience Pre-meeting (SFN pre-meeting). San Diego, CA. Oct 2011.
- Andari E, et al.Oxytocin’s signature in social deficits of Autism Spectrum Disorder.Poster presentation. International Meeting for Autism Research. Toronto, Canada. May 2012.
- Burkett JP,Andari E, Johnson ZV, Curry DW, de Waal FBM, Young LJ. Consolation behavior in prairie voles: biological mechanisms and relevance for Autism.Poster presentation, Society for Social Neuroscience Pre-meeting (SFN pre-meeting), Chicago, IL. Nov 2015.
- Andari E,Fargotstein M, Halverson D, Currin D, Bhattacharya A, Gitman D, Cuthbert B, Young LJ, Duncan E.Effects of Oxytocin on Social and Emotional Responsiveness in Patients with Deficit Syndrome Schizophrenia: A Preliminary Study.Poster presentation. Society for Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. May 2016.
- Morrier MJ, Ousley O, Segall MJ,Andari E,Cubells JF, Young LJ..Poster presentation. International Meeting For Autism Research (IMFAR), Baltimore, Maryland. May 2016.
- Andari E, Burkett JP, Pearcy RC, Inoue K, Dias BG, Ressler KJ, Young LJ.The dissociation between social fear learning and non-social fear learning in oxytocin receptor knockout mice. Poster presentation. Atlanta Autism Consortium Autism Research Symposium, Fall 2015.
- Burkett JP,Andari E, Johnson Z, Curry DW, Young LJ.Consoling behavior in the prairie vole: Biological mechanisms and relevance to Autism.Poster presentation. Atlanta Autism Consortium Autism Research Symposium, Fall 2015.
- Burkett JP,Andari E, Johnson Z, Curry DW, Young LJ.Consoling behavior in the prairie vole: Biological mechanisms and relevance to Autism.Poster presentation. Atlanta Autism Consortium Autism Research Symposium, September 2016.
- Andari E, Burkett JP, Pearcy RC, Inoue K, Dias BG, Ressler KJ, Young LJ.The role of oxytocin and anterior insula activity in prosocial responses in mice.Poster presentation. S4SN Annual Meeting, Nov 2016.
- Burkett JP, King L,Andari E, Young LJ.Consolation behavior in prairie vole is predicted by oxytocin receptor density in anterior cingulate cortex.Poster presentation. S4SN Annual Meeting, Nov 2016.
- Burkett, JP, King L,Andari E, Young LJ.Consolation behavior in prairie vole is predicted by oxytocin receptor density in anterior cingulate cortex.Oral presentation. SfN Annual Meeting, Nov 2016.
- Caceres G, Kaundinya G, Nishtani G, Smith AK, Cubells JF, Young LJ,Andari E.The role of oxytocin and epigenetics in behavior and brain activity in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder, an fMRI study. Poster presentation, Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Symposium for undergraduate in Neuroscience at Emory, April 23rd2018.
- Andari E, Kaundinya G, Caceres G, Ousley O, Morrier M, Rilling J, Cubells JF, Young LJ.Targeted action of intranasal oxytocin on brain functional connectivity in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Poster presentation, 57thannual meeting of American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. December 9-13, 2018 at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood in Florida- USA.
- Andari E, Kaundinya G, Caceres G, Ousley O, Morrier M, Rilling J, Cubells JF, Young LJ.Target Engagement for Intranasal Oxytocin on brain function in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Poster presentation at Society for Social Neuroscience 2018 Annual meeting. November 2, 2018 in San Diego.
- Andari E,Kaundinya G, Caceres G, Ousley O, Morrier M, Rilling J, Cubells JF, Young LJ.Target Engagement for Intranasal Oxytocin on brain function in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Poster presentation at Yerkes Research Symposium. November 29, 2018, Emory University in Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Andari E,Kaundinya G, Caceres G, Ousley O, Morrier M, Rilling J, Cubells JF, Young LJ.Targeted Action of Intranasal Oxytocin on Brain Functional Connectivity in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Poster Travel Award. 57thAnnual meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Hollywood, FL.
- Andari E,Kaundinya G, Caceres G, Ousley O, Morrier M, Rilling J, Cubells JF, Young LJ.Target Targeted action of intranasal oxytocin on brain functional connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Presentation at Social and Affective Neuroscience Society, May 2019.
- Andari E, Nishitani S, ,,,,,,. Epigenetic Modifications of the Oxytocin Receptor Gene and Autism Spectrum Disorders.ACNP 58thAnnual meeting Poster session, December 2019.
- Andari, E., Cotton, A., Kaplinsky, N., Todorovic, K.,Cubells, J., Rillings, J., & Young, L. (2020, July).Oxytocin effects on implicit social biases in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Poster presented at the annual University of Toledo Medical Student Research Program, Toledo, OH, United States.
- Andari, E., Einloth, K.R., Nishitani, S., Kaundinva, G., Todorovic, K.,Smith, A., Cubells, J., & Young, L. (2020, July).Epigenetics and brain correlates of prosociality in autism.Poster presented at the annual University of Toledo Medical Student Research Program, Toledo, OH, United States.
- Devarasetty, P., Todorovic, K., Ward, K. P., Lee, S. J., Knox, M., &Andari, E.(2020, October).Evidence for a surge in child maltreatment and intimate partner violence during COVID-19.Annual meeting of the Academy on Violence and Abuse Global Health Summit, Dallas, TX, United States.
- Andari, E.,Cotton, A., Kaplinsky, N., Todorovic K., Cubells, J., Rilling, J., Young, L. (2020, December). Dose-dependent effect of oxytocin on ACC and amygdala in patients with autism spectrum disorders. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, virtual meeting.
- Andari, E.,Cotton, A., Kaplinsky, N., Todorovic K., Cubells, J., Rilling, J., Young, L. (2021, April). Oxytocin Dose-Dependent Effects on Brain Function During a Socially Dynamic Game in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster for Society of Biological Psychiatry, virtual meeting.
Selected media and reports
- Feb 2010NatureHighlight,“Hopesgrow over potentialautismtreatment.”
- Feb 2010Sciencenews, “TrustHormone may improveAutism.”
- Feb 2010National Geographic,“Can a sniff of oxytocin improve the social skills of autistic people?”
- Feb 2010The Sunday Times,“Nasalspraygiveshope onautism.”
- Feb 2010TheWashington Post,“Hormone-infused nasalsprayfoundtohelp peoplewith autism.”
- Feb 2010ScienceDaily,“Oxytocin improves social behavior of patients, study finds.”
- Feb 2010WebMD,“Oxytocin Hormone May Treat Autism.”
- Feb 2010Le Progrès,“Autisme:l’hormone del’amourporteuse d’espoir.”
- Feb 2010Le Figaro,“Une moléculepoursortirlesautistesdel’isolement.”
- Feb 2010CNRS communication,“Autisme:l’administrationd’ocytocineaméliorele comportementsocial despatients.”
- Jan 2016IFL Science, “Love hormone helps prairie voles console others in distress.”
- Apr 2016Vox, “How scientists fell in and out of love with the hormone oxytocin.”
- August 2020Newsletter highlight as alumni, University Saint-Joseph, Beirut.
- October 2020American Physiological Society, paper selected for APS select
- October 2020Russian News: Science and Life. Oxytocin and its synthetic counterparts can help fight COVID-19.
- October 2020WebMD. “Love hormone could hold key to treating COVID”.
- October 2020U.S. News and world report. “Love Hormone could hold key to treating COVID”.
- November 2020 ý Press release: Utoledo Researcher explores potential for commonly prescribed hormone to fight COVID-19.
- December 2020 ý Press release: Preliminary Research from ý finds alarming rates of pandemic-driven child abuse.
- December 2020 13ABC news: Child abuse cases spike during pandemic according to new research.